The feelings of jealousy are importants for to rate how much they love their partner or how much they are loved by their partner
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Let Love Find You

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Turn Him into the Orgasm
Monday, September 20, 2010
How to Seduce a Woman

Ever wondered what the secret was to make a woman desire you?
Probably, you have been led to believe that this just is not something that you can manage to make happen, or that you have to be deceptive to seduce a woman into wanting you. And that really could not be FURTHER from the truth.
Here are 3 tricks that will make a woman DESIRE you:
1. Master the art of push and pull seduction.
Women get turned on when their emotions are kind of on a roller coaster, make no mistake about it. If you can make her feel the highs and the lows, she will find herself thinking about you. And they will not be able to control where those thoughts go as long as you do it right. What most men do, is they know how to push, they know how to pursue, but they cannot pull away. Too much pushing and she will be the one that ends up pulling away from you.
2. Become a guy that just does worry about getting a woman into bed.
It sounds like the OPPOSITE of what you would want to do, but the thing is, when you worry about getting her into bed, you are going to make that apparent to her. And when it becomes apparent to a woman, it starts to look and smell a lot like desperation. Think of it this way, if you were a guy that had his choice and selection when it came to women, would you worry about it so much? Act as if you do, and women will be drawn to you.
3. Learn how to turn a woman on the right way.
If you ask most single women, most guys that they end up dating are pretty bad when it comes to turning her on. Most men rush through things, and ignore the true areas that make her feel turned on. One of which, is her emotions. The more you know how to trigger her emotions, the more she is going to end up getting turned on by you, and that spells DESIRE!!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Why Men Like 'Bitches'

Sugar and spice isn't always nice. A dash of hot 'n' sour is what turns a bland dish into a gastronomic delight. Likewise, in the dating game, just being nice to your man doesn't make him more devoted; at times you need to be the 'bitch' to walk down the Valentine path.
That, in a nutshell, is best-selling author and columnist Sherry Argov's premise of her seminal books Why Men Love Bitches and Why Men Marry Bitches . "Men secretly respect a woman who is strong, has confidence and dreams of her own," says Sherry. "They don't want women who are needy and desperate for approval."
So the key to conduct new-age relationships is: discover the feisty attitude "that will turn you into a diva from a doormat," says Sherry.
Why nice girls finish last
Ever wondered why despite putting your best face and foot forward, and treating your dreamboat like a dream, he seems to go for someone smarter, sassier and sexier — aka 'The bitch?' It's possibly because: »You are making it too obvious that you are looking to find a man and your happiness is dependent on that. »You are unable to be alone.
»You don't want to wait for the right person. Your impatience leads you to rush into a situation you wouldn't have chosen otherwise.
Do men like strong women?
The general consensus is that men get intimidated by strong, opinionated women who pose a challenge. But the truth is that any extreme is a turnoff. Whether you are the super aggressive sort or the dreamy, shy type, extreme behaviour signals insecurity. On the contrary, there is nothing more attractive than a woman who has dignity and pride in who she is. So to woo the love of your life, be someone he desires. And he can't desire something that is too easily available. It doesn't mean you have to be unnecessarily aggressive or too stand-offish. It simply means you must be in control and keep him guessing. Besides, never forget the golden rule of relationships: You don't marry a perfect person. You marry an interesting person. And Sherry gives you the guide to be exactly that.
The 'bitches' don't...
»Call or text him frequently
» Ask where he is or what he's doing »Say 'You don't call me enough,' or, 'You never tell me you love me.' Unpredictability is your asset. Don't let your loved one decode you easily
» See a guy every night of the week. A woman who is easy won't scratch his competitive itch »Agree with everything he says. When you never express your opinion, a man starts feeling bored
»Go looking for him or chase him down at three different places where he said he might be having a drink. To be his 'steady', let him come track you down
» Get mad when he doesn't call you in four days
»Rearrange your schedule to spend time with him
»Be rude because being considerate is more effective. But doesn't mean you have to compromise yourself
The bitches DOs
Walk the tightrope...
...between being intimidating and independent by being feminine, yet quietly strong. When you don't telegraph or make obvious what your strengths and weakness are, your partner won't be able to read you. And when a man can't read a woman fully, he respects her more. It's not about demeanour, it's about self-control. A woman with self-control has power and men are turned on by that.
Eliminate the third angle
Worried about finishing second best in the love race? Well, first ensure you are the one he is amorous about. If he meets you and is crazy for you, other women should be a non-issue. If you are number 2 for any length of time, it means there are "too many queens in the castle." Then, just walk out. Calmly tell him the relationship is "no longer interesting" and wish him luck. This resonates self-worth and dignity, and will blow him away. Often, this will get him to play straight and prioritise you. If not, it's no loss. A man with a third wheel is never worth pursuing.
Be happy and positive
Value yourself and your peace of mind. Do not chase happiness outside yourself. Most importantly, try not to give energy to what others think of you; it takes away your power. If you feel good inside, others no longer can control you emotionally. This kind of calm and self-sufficiency is very attractive. Men are used to women who wear their heart on their sleeve and go crazy for the one they can't control.
Pursue your own dreams
Focus on interests outside the relationship. He can know you care, but doesn't need to know how much. Men don't want to compete with other men for your attention, they want to compete for your time because you aren't waiting for him 24x7. When he can't control you mentally, or remain invested in your own life, you become much more interesting to share life with.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Women Buy Sexier Clothes to Attract a Man

That's according to new research from the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management.
"The desire for women at peak fertility to unconsciously choose products that enhance appearance is driven by a desire to outdo attractive rival women," says Kristina Durante, a post-doctoral fellow at the Carlson School, in a statement. "If you look more desirable than your competition, you are more likely to stand out."
The findings are a bit quirky because they found that ovulating women only seem to compete against women who are pretty and close.
In the study, researchers showed participants photographs of attractive and unattractive women and told them some lived nearby and others lived 1000 miles away.
They then asked them to pick out clothing they would like to purchase.
"We found that, when ovulating, women chose sexier fashion products when thinking about other attractive, local but not distant women," says Durante. "If you are in New York, a woman who lives in LA isn't going to be seen as competition."
The study, done by business researchers, not doctors, could have big implications for retailers.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Why Girl Attracted to Bad Boys

A. A bad boy is attractive to a woman because he is exciting and unpredictable, and a wimp or a typical nice guy is perfect all the time, but is boring. So, the real question for you to examine is how can you be an exciting, passionate man without having to be a jerk in the process. It means make things exciting with a woman, not predictable.
When you do something nice for a woman, you are applying what behaviorists call "reinforcement." Intuitively, "bad boys" know all about this. A "reinforcement" is a reward something that feels good that the subject gets for performing a certain behavior or for having a certain feeling. For instance, giving a dog a treat when he comes to you when you call his name reinforces the behavior of coming when you call. In time, the dog will look forward to coming when you call, because he knows that obeying you will mean he'll get a reinforcement that he likes.
The thing to know is that if you give the dog a treat every single time he comes when you call, he'll start to get lazy. He'll figure, "Eh, why should I hurry? I can get over there in my own good time, and take the treat." Constant reinforcement stops being effective after a while.
You may have noticed this in your own relationships. Have you ever had someone who consistently goes out of his or her way to make you feel special? Suppose that one morning, out of the blue, someone at your work place brought you a cup of excellent coffee when you first sat down at your desk. You'd probably feel pretty special, and you'd be happy to see that person later in the day. You would have associated seeing that person with the good feelings you got from the gift.
But now imagine if that person brought you coffee every single day, like clockwork, and never missed a day. At first you'd probably appreciate it, then you'd notice it less, then you'd hardly notice it at all. You might even start complaining when the coffee wasn't exactly the way you liked it, or get angry if he or she missed a day. You'd naturally go from being delighted by the constant gifts to seeing them as a regular part of life, or even as something you intrinsically deserve. This is a natural reaction to constant, unvarying reinforcement.
If you constantly shower a woman with gifts and attention, you run the risk of the same thing happening. At first, it's important to reinforce a woman constantly; it gets her in the habit of being happy about seeing you. But after a while, if your gifts and attention are going to stay effective, you must start bestowing them a little more irregularly.
This is what behavior experts call a "variable schedule of reinforcement." You don't give her flowers every week, or every date. You don't always have a little gift for her. You don't always show up to flirt with her at the same time, or on the same day. You vary your schedule of making her feel extra-good, and thus keep the interaction exciting and fresh for her.
Tom puts a variable schedule of reinforcement to good use. "When I first start dating a woman, I go out of my way to make her feel good a lot," he says. "But in time, I know I can start scaling back. As long as I keep making her feel good often, I get better results if I don't reinforce her with special gifts or presents every single time I see her."
Tom puts a variable schedule of reinforcement to good use. "When I first start dating a woman, I go out of my way to make her feel good a lot," he says. "But in time, I know I can start scaling back. As long as I keep making her feel good often, I get better results if I don't reinforce her with special gifts or presents every single time I see her."
The classic trap to watch out for is any reinforcing behavior that begins to look like a habit to you. Keep an eye open for things you always do to make her feel special. Don't always bring her gifts; don't always visit her work place once every three days. Vary your schedule of reinforcement, and you'll have a lot more success.
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